The Effects of Positive Thinking on Mental Health

When you wonder why things are not happening in your favor, remember that “It’s all in your mind.” This cliché may have been overly used but it has some truth in it. We may not completely understand it but scientifically, there is an explanation to it.

Let us try to decipher and comprehend this concept. The human brain is a powerful tool that controls and manipulates our thinking. The mind is capable of admitting all kinds of thoughts, both positive and negative, and can even picture out images. But we have control over our own thinking and we are constantly exercising this “mind power”.

However we direct our minds to entertain thoughts, it directly influences our life in many ways. On the aspect of our mental health, our manner of thinking and the kind of thoughts we have can either build or destroy us.

A mentally healthy person is someone who is free from mental stresses, worries, and other forms of mental destruction. Optimists suffer less from mental health problems as well as other adverse health conditions of the body. Positive thinking is like a treatment to people who are troubled and disoriented.

Enhanced Mental and Physical Well-Being

You might have heard of miracle stories of the dying or terminally ill who were given a second chance in their lives. These happen, sometimes without explanation, but these patients employed a strong will to survive and be freed from their worsening condition. They do so by staying positive that they will still live. If we are to base it according to scientific explanation, once we make an effort to think positive, the cells in our brain (or brain neurons) send a message to every organ of our body telling it to respond to the positive thought. This is how powerful our mind is capable of performing.

Sometimes, what we feel is not necessarily what is really happening. For instance, during those times when you are feeling under the weather, it may just be your mind telling you that you are sick. But the truth is, you are just tired and simply needs a little rest. They say that when you are literally sick, your condition either becomes better or worsens depending on how you want it to happen. And all that is happening in the mind.

Worry-Free and Stress-Free Living

We all know what negative stress can do to our overall health. Mentally speaking, stress can cause worry and worse, can lead to extreme cases of anxiety. When negative thoughts are played repeatedly in the mind, it adversely impacts a person’s mental and emotional state. Such a condition can lead to mental and psychological disorders.

You may have known people who have lost their minds or gone mad. This is because they lost control over negative thoughts that fill up their minds. If there something that worries you, whether it is a small or big thing, never dwell on it too much.

What you can do instead is to keep thinking of ways to overcome or surpass it. For example, if you are drowning in financial debt, never think that there is no solution to it. Rather, consider your options on how to settle it. Otherwise, you will be a victim of anxiety.

Rational and Calm Manner of Thinking

Positive thinking can bring about a more rational and calm manner of thinking which is very helpful to our decision-making activities. When the mind thinks of affirmative thoughts, the decisions made by a person are sound and effective.

In the workplace, for example, the boss who always sees the positive side of things tends to make decisions that are beneficial for everyone. Do the same for your own self. Decide to be happy and see the goodness of life by thinking of positive thoughts. You will soon notice that the mind will become more relaxed and clear when a situation arises.

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